Championship Manager Italia 96/97

Italian Leagues 1996/97 Season


The Italian Leagues come to CM2 in their very own version. English language & Italian language versions both available

Download links are below and also a link to play inside your browser without the need to install the game. Word of warning though the browser version does not allow you to save your game and takes a while to load but may be a good option if you just want to have a little poke around before downloading.

Fully compatible with Windows 10.

Installation Instructions

Simply extract the Championship Manager folder from the downloaded file and click on Start Game

Ctrl+Alt+Enter - Windowed Mode

LLMPicker - Championship Manager 2 - Italia 96/97

Looking for a team to start your lower league Italian adventure?

The Brown Llama has you covered.

Simply click Ask The Brown Llama and he will pick you a team from the lowest playable leagues in this version.

Remember LLaMa guidelines still apply, however you may have to tailor them slightly to these older versions of the game

Related Links

Championship Manager 93 End Of Season Data

Championship Manager Italia 95

Championship Manager 2 - 95/96

Championship Manager 97/98